To whom it might concern
I got to know Anna Tretter and her artistic work in the 80ies and ever since I followed and accompanied her career. She received numerous awards and exhibited widely in Germany as abroad
Anna Tretter became known with her installations, investigating space including painting and sculpture, penetrating the borders of architecture and space. Increasingly he interest developed towards site-specific installations, in which she loads a site or an event and their innate meaning together with her own images, achieving a clear but multi-layered image-transformation. In the 90ies her work expands and creates ever new contexts, a symbiosis between sculptural and tonal space experience, between image and dance, colours and the powerful imagery of speech and sign. In video installations time experiences are mirrored in interchangeable perspectives and mediums. In the juncture points of her installations where colours, sounds, gestures of dance and video images are interconnected, an intense experience is possible. In some texts and presentations I had the opportunity to analyse Anna Tretter’s complex work, also we organized work shops and conferences together, for example in Belgrade, Serbia and in Košice, Slovakia.
Her teaching experience includes a post as visiting professor at the Academy of Fine Arts, Stuttgart, from 2002 to 2003, since 2004 she lectures at the Technical University Košice, Department of Fine Arts and Intermedia, and is founder and director of the Studio for New Media in Košice, Slovakia, Department of Fine Arts and Intermedia. Since 2007 she is visiting professor in Košice. Besides of her engaged and inspired teaching, her activities are focusing on the creation of an international forum with students from various universities and institution, establishing a basis for a dialog, in which the exchange of ideas can take place, including new tendencies in the field of art, as artists reflect upon the development of people and societies in our modern world.
Dorothée Bauerle-Willert, Berlin 2009-03-11
Recommendation for Anna Tretter
I am sure that professor Anna Tretter´s experiences as a renowned international artist and teacher will ensure the continuing success of the Studio Nove Media in Košice.