The drawing of line was made on an electronic tablet in train from Prague to Dresden, on 6.10. 2005, on the way to the Colloquium for The Space in the Music – the Music in the (Public-) Space, Hellerau European Centrum of Arts, Dresden.
Journey time: 2:29h, the distance: 191 km.
The digital print out of line/graphic version is 55m long.
Pressetext LINE / Dorothée Bauerle-Willert / Kunstverein Schwäbisch Hall deutsch
Line, Performance
Live Performance, Multimediaprojekt, Nolit Warehouse, Belgrade
Anna Tretter, Manja Ristic (music interpretation)

The main aim we were trying to archive was the integration of the audio-visual content and the application of the direct response effect. Using all possible means of the technical aspect of an instrument. Line was a live presentation of decoding graphical notation. Inspiring video in the form of a minutes loop was translated into virtual violin sequences that were following graphical motifs. This way of “decoding” an abstract notation produced a broad range of atypical sounds, which opened a clear insight into the “natural” effects and sound capacity of a classical instrument. The performer was using a ZOOM 8080 sound processor as a minimal electronic device for volume and colour control.
2017 | Kunstverein Neckar-Odenwald, Buchen |
2009 | Anhaltische Gemäldesammlung, Dessau |
63. Frühjahrstagung des INMM, Institut für Neue Musik und Musikerziehung, Akademie für Tonkunst, Darmstadt | |
2008 | KISS – Kunst im Schloss Untergröningen e.V. |
KUNST PRIVAT, einfallsreich TV Wiesbaden | |
2007 | Kunstverein Schwäbisch Hall |
2006 | Nolit Warehouse, Sound and Save Festival, Belgrade, with Manja Ristic |
2005 | Hellerau, European Centrum of Arts, Dresden |